Daniel Aloysius King
Daniel brings to life his unique, elegant, and lively musical perspective on the big stage. Listen to the original music from his latest album Proximo below or right here on Spotify. Or search Daniel King Proximo everywhere you get your music.
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“DANIEL KING - Riveting Latin rhythmic group makes it hard to not want to get up and dance to this talented group of musicians from the Rochester area. Because this music has been so popular with our festival goers in previous years, we are delighted to keep having them come back and join us in making this the most fun festival yet!”
“Daniel King Band is one of your favorite local artists. Their music enhances our ambiance as well the guests dining experience. What is better than a flamenco guitarist on a gorgeous Summer evening? We have always been fortunate enough to have them serenade our guests for a romantic Valentines Dinner. Daniel is always a pleasure to work with and we look forward to their next evening with us!
You are Too…
Music is a universe unto itself, wherein everyone can uniquely create a version of themselves through sound alone. If there is a thing called magic, this would be the greatest example I can think of.
~ DK
Daniel Aloysius King is a self-taught nylon string acoustic guitarist. A native of Batavia, NY, Daniel left his hometown in 2014 to live in Puerto Rico, where he committed himself to learning flamenco and Spanish guitar techniques. The beauty and culture of the island was the main inspiration for his first album Plaza Caribe and largely influenced his second album Proximo. Daniel moved to Rochester, NY in September 2016, where he currently resides and performs regularly.